The Triunicorn of the Gapz

The brilliant OP ‘Atheism is religion for flat-Earthers’ and the ensuing discussion have really had a…

What is faith?

According to Oxford Languages faith is: Matt Dillahunty says faith is the excuse people give for…

What’s so special about humans?

From a purely biological standpoint there’s really nothing special about humans. Homo Sapiens is just one…

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

The theoretical physicists says: “There’s no such thing as sound. Everything is just evolution of the…

Christianity is vile, cruel and anti-human

At the core of Christianity is the doctrine that every person deserves an eternity of conscious…

The supernatural and science

In the comments on the OP about the “war” between science and religion some interesting points…

Evidence for God!

A photographer took a picture of God on November 19 during a storm on Lake Erie.…

Polish artist convicted for creating a “blasphemous” painting

Krzysztof Soroka (35) has been fined 2,000 zloty (450 US$)  by the Polish Court of Appeal,…

The pyramid of willful religion-based stupidity

Not so long ago I bumped into a real-life flat-earther here in the comment section, which…

Hobby Lobby: Make America Dark Ages Again!

Theocracy has been and is one of the most successful systems of government ever devised. Christian…

The Bladensburg Satanic Peace Cross

Do you think the image above is a Christian cross? Think again. According to seven justices…

Italy wins Eurovision Song Contest as the world’s biggest music event returns in Rotterdam

Italy narrowly pipped a handful of rivals to win a colorful and kitsch Eurovision Song Contest in the…