German minister threatens “indefinite driving bans” on weekends to meet climate goals

While this may not be the absolute worst threat that has come out of Germany, it’s still not great.

The federal coalition government, which includes the Social Democrats, Greens, and Free Democrats, has been clashing for months over several issues like a payment card for refugees, Germany’s debt rules, elephant trophy-hunting imports, and their precious Climate Protection Act.

Germany’s transport minister is now threatening to ban weekend driving to meet climate goals if the ruling coalition doesn’t pass changes to the Climate Protection Act by July.

The liberal politician Volker Wissing wrote a letter to the coalition’s parliamentary group leaders, as reported by the German outlet BILD last week.

The fact that the amendment is still not in force leads to considerable legal and factual uncertainties.

This serves neither the climate nor the reputation of the federal government.

Wissing says that achieving climate goals by reducing traffic would require implementing measures that are difficult to explain to the public, like “comprehensive and indefinite driving bans on Saturdays and Sundays.”

The proposed change to the emissions-reduction law would assess climate goals by considering all sectors collectively rather than separately. If the overarching target is missed for two consecutive years, the federal government would then determine which sector and measures would be used to reach the permitted total carbon dioxide emissions by 2030.

Imagine driving to work all week and then not being allowed to go where you want and enjoy your life on the weekends!


Approved ~ MJM