Murder Most Foul: Many of the Hostages Have Been Murdered

Hamas now says it cannot come up with even forty hostages, consisting of women, the elderly, and female soldiers, to be exchanged for what, at last count, was supposed to be 700 Palestinian prisoners, some of them now serving multiple life sentences for murdering Israelis. What does that mean? It means what everyone of sense has suspected all along. Hamas has been steadily murdering many, perhaps most, of the hostages. More on these murders most foul can be found here: “Report: US officials fear most of the hostages held by Hamas could be dead,” Times of Israel, April 11, 2024:

US officials tell the Wall Street Journal that there are fears that most of the Israeli hostages in Hamas captivity could be dead.

The report comes amid talks to secure a hostage release deal and a truce, with some Hamas sources indicating that they are unable to provide 40 living hostages from the elderly, women and female soldiers that Israel is demanding.

It is believed that 129 hostages abducted by Hamas on October 7 remain in Gaza. The IDF has confirmed the deaths of 34 of those still held by Hamas, citing intelligence and findings obtained by troops operating in Gaza.

How many of the 34 hostages confirmed dead by the IDF were murdered by Hamas? No one in his right mind believes that all, or most, died in Israeli airstrikes. Hamas committed mass murder of innocent civilians on October 7. Why wouldn’t it continue to murder the hostages for any number of reasons? Some Hamas members may have found the elderly Israelis required too much attention. Why not just eliminate them if they proved too much trouble to take care of? Perhaps some of the girls and women were insufficiently accommodating to the sexual demands of their captors. So why not kill a few, to make sure the others are obedient? And then what fun, after all, to every so often kill a few of the male IDF soldiers. What’s not to like?


Approved ~ MJM