Iran slaps sanctions on US, UK individuals, entities over Gaza war

Iran has imposed a slew of sanctions on US and British individuals and entities for their alleged involvement in “terrorism and human rights violations” by supporting the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.

US institutions placed under the Iranian sanctions include Lockheed Martin Corporation “due to its involvement in supplying weaponry” to Israel, General Dynamics for “supplying 155 mm bullets” to Israel, Skydio Engineering Company “for providing drones” to Tel Aviv.

The list also includes Chevron Corporation “for assisting Israel in the exploitation of gas wells in the eastern Mediterranean” and Kharon Company “for its role in sanctioning Hamas by the US Department of Treasury.”

The individuals sanctioned include Jason Greenblatt, chief legal officer to former President Donald Trump and the Trump Organization; Michael Rubin, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute; Jason Brodsky, the policy director of United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI); Clifford D. May, founder and president of FDD, a non-partisan policy institute and; Bryan P. Fenton, a US Army general and the 13th commander of the US Special Operations Command; Brad Cooper, commander of US Naval Forces Central Command and Gregory J. Hayes, CEO of RTX Corporation.

Approved ~ FS


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