Local Media Trashes Trump After Campaign Disasters in Michigan and Wisconsin

Local media, which was a source that Trump used to be able to count on for good coverage had fact checks and damaging headlines after the ex-president tried to campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin.

The Biden campaign circulated this newspaper’s front page in Wisconsin after Trump’s visit:

In Michigan, Trump got fact-checked for falsely claiming that the state has lost manufacturing jobs under Biden, “Just a little bit of some information, some fact checking. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, our state, Michigan, actually gained 24,000 manufacturing jobs between January of 2021 and May of last year. That’s actually tied for seventh in the country. And so this notion that the auto industry in Detroit is falling apart… may not be as on point as [Trump] would like.”

Local Media Trashes Trump After Campaign Disasters In Michigan And Wisconsin (politicususa.com)