Trump’s Proposed Racist Attack on Immigrants Would Be Catastrophic…For All of Us

Supporters of Trump’s anti-immigration policies have likely not considered their real-world implications.

Hard as it is to believe, Former President Donald Trump is outdoing his 2016 campaign tarring of Mexican immigrants as rapists and drug runners, as well as his 2018 bombast as president that Haitian and African immigrants come from “shithole” countries. He now says migrants are “not humans, they’re animals.” Channeling Adolf Hitler more than ever, Trump says immigrants from South America, Africa and Asia are “poisoning the blood of our country.”

Trump viperously hissed to TIME magazine last week that if he returned to the White House, he would ignore a whole gang of laws to deport millions of undocumented people of color back from whence they came. He would sic the U.S. military on them — despite laws clearly stating that undocumented people are civilians and that the military can’t be used on civilians.

He makes no mention of blood poisoning by undocumented Europeans and Canadians, even though they more than double the number from Africa, according to the Pew Research Center. Instead, at a fundraiser last month, he repeated his call for more immigration from “nice” (and very white) countries such as Denmark, Switzerland and Norway.

This makes it important to remember the consequences if Trump won the 2024 election and truly evaporated undocumented people of color — the overwhelming majority of the estimated 11 million undocumented people, including 900,000 people from the Caribbean and Africa.

The gut punch would be quite literal: We’d be hungry in a hurry.