Mary Trump Predicts How Donald Trump Would Handle Going to Jail

Mary Trump, Donald Trump’s estranged niece, told MSNBC Reports during an interview appearance on Saturday that she doesn’t think the former president “could handle” going to jail amid his criminal hush money trial.

“I think it’s absurd for anybody to think he would willingly go into jail even for a night, even for an afternoon,” Mary Trump, a critic of her uncle, said. “Hopefully, if he ever is sent to jail for breaking the gag order…it’s for real, it’s not that he is going to some suite in some fancy hotel that’s just guarded. He is there in a cell without his phone just like any other American would be. He would come out a changed man. I don’t think he could handle it.”

She added: “He would love the martyrdom, but I don’t believe for a second that he is willing to go to jail for real. No way.”


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