“The Finger of God!”

“The Finger of God!”

Christians say that the Bible is the work of God, and that God guided the hand of man to write the Bible.  Placing his finger of the heart of man to inspire the author/writer to write the words of God.  What can one say about that?  Well, God cannot spell, and he made lots of mistakes and anomalies?  So much so, that the Christians today are retranslating the Bible over and over, with a new addition being printed every couple of years.  A process that has been ongoing from the beginning, and no doubt, knowing the Christians, it will keep on going, as it is too lucrative for them to say enough’s, enough.  One would think that God, and co, could have got it right first time.  However, after two millennia, of contradictions and controversies, the Bible is nowhere near perfected.  That said, the Bible today has everything, from porn, genocide, abortion, infanticide, regicide, paedophiles, fairytales, biography, myths, fabrications, forgery, etc.  One also should not forget the lies that the ancient authors told, as prof. Bart D. Ehrman wrote about Eusebius of Caesarea:

I only recently bought Eusebius’ “Ecclesiastical History” and have flipped through it. I was shocked to see in Book 1, Chapter 13, a supposed letter from Jesus to King Agbarus! Knowing I had to take everything Eusebius wrote with a grain of salt, but after this, it made me realize that a grain won’t be enough.  https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-writes-letter-members/.

Well, taking the New Testament today, one has to take a very large backhoe bucket full of grains of salt when reading chapter and verse.  It would take more than a little magic to correct the Bible, if we are to take Exodus to support the  “Finger of God” whom we are led to believe destroyed the Egyptian Magicians.  Yet, supposedly in the time of Jesus, the very same magicians supposedly trained Jesus in the Black Arts.  A malefactor/evildoer, is Roman code for magician.

“They answered and said unto him, If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up unto thee.”— John 18:30 KJV.

Jewish tradition states that Jesus was convicted of sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy. [Talmud Sanhedrin 43a, with the death sentence being carried to Jewish law conforming to the Sacred Temple Scroll (150-125 BCE) and Deuteronomy 21:22-23]. What do you say?

Jeanne, J.E. pp. Jero Jones.



Jero Jones

Article URL : https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/discuss/