Selective Credibility

Mr. R. V. Frisbee claims he saw Elvis in a UFO.  He can tell us the exact time and place, along with detailed descriptions of the vehicle, and what Elvis was wearing.  We know where he lives, what he does for a living, and can interview him at any time.

Mary Lawndart claims JFK and Marilyn Monroe faked their deaths so they could be together in peace.  She can show you the places where they lived.  She can show you some slightly fuzzy photos of them together.  She is also known and can be interviewed at any time.

Some unknown people, over 2,000 years ago, claim to have been told stories about some guy walking on water, and coming back from the dead.  They got their stories from unknown people, none of them can be verified or even interviewed.  Even the writers are unknown.

Why are the accounts in the third example to be believed without question, but the first two blown off as  nutters?

Why should the Bible stories be credible, but other seemingly fanciful claims not credible?

Approved ~ FS

J.P. Bunny

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