Is God behind the American religion in favour of Guns!

Is God behind the American religion in favour of Guns!
One would think that the Christian god was anti gun and anti-2nd Amendment of the constitution of the US.  Apparently, according to Wikipedia’s AI, that some American religions have a strong affinity for gun ownership and use.  Here are a few examples:
White Evangelicals: According to Pew Research Center, white evangelicals own guns at a higher rate than any other religion in America. In fact, 41% of white evangelicals own guns, making them the most gun-owning religious group in the country.
Mormons: Mormons, or members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, have a strong tradition of gun ownership and use. In fact, 87% of Mormons support background checks for gun purchases, indicating a broad support for gun control measures.
Nondenominational Christians: Many nondenominational Christians, including Baptists and evangelicals, also own guns at a higher rate than other religious groups.  The National Library of Medicine article on Gun ownership and fear, concur with AI.
One has to agree that firearms/guns in the 1700s were there for harvesting (wild game) food for the family, and protection from the ravages of the Indian wars, where the native inhabitants saw the theft of their land.   But, that was two hundred and fifty years ago, things have changed!  Local superstores have meat counters, and the American military has long since pacified the Native Americans, through genocidal means, and illegal relocated the tribes off their ancient homelands. Britain too has changed, it is now a major ally.
There are two interpretations that are lacking in this modern day, on the reading of the 2nd amendment.  One, is the era in which it was written, some two and half-centuries ago, and how America has changed in that time.  In the case of the US, it has from the mid-20-century built an impressive array of military Might (army/navy/air force).  Second, the language used to write the 2nd amendment of the Bill of Rights, is from the 1700s.
The Second Amendment is not sloppy or ungrammatical, as some modern analysts claim. Rather, the Amendment is written in a variety of English that no longer exists. Since none of us are native speakers of late 18th century American English, we cannot expect to have good intuitions about its grammaticality or interpretation. When we read Shakespeare, for example, we accept that we have to rely on footnotes about vocabulary and syntax. The language of the Bill of Rights is chronologically closer to Shakespeare’s English than to present-day English, so the words and syntax are not always going to be immediately comprehensible.

Also check out Maryland’s Constitution — November 11, 1776. Articles XXV, and XXVI. 

XXV. That a well-regulated militia is the proper and natural defence of a free government.

XXVI. That standing armies are dangerous to liberty, and ought not to be raised or kept up, without consent of the Legislature.—

What do you say?

Jeanne, J.E. pp. Jero Jones

Approved ~ Primus Pilus

Jero Jones

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