Was Jesus a killer automaton?

Was Jesus a killer automaton?
This morning’s reading, was a surprise, as I was led to believe no one was due. Owing to the builder coming to fix my roof, which is now being done next Monday. Which will please my economic migrant neighbour, who had debris off my roof land on his car in his drive. Gwen brought the news about the builder, and said she had an hour to spare, so she read some comment being answered to an OP. Gwen read a comment on JP Bunny’s new post “Gentle Jesus or Terminator Jesus,” which was another one of Bunny’s Pulitzer prize winning classics. “I said, can you please read that again, Gwen!” “This person, j/j says Jesus is a terminator, meaning that Jesus will destroy those that do not believe in him.” Well, well, the Christians are starting to believe Jesus was not a loving entity after all, but a terminator Jesus. “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”[Matthew 10:34-35.] As you can see, Jesus came wielding a sword (It has got to be true, as the Bible tells us so). So who would want to follow a god that smites those who reject him. He must be a Jealous god, does he not believe in free-will, to choose and to say what we like? Surely, j/j seems to favour violence like his predecessors, the early Christians who select chaos over peace, with their hatred of humanity, and their intolerance of other faith! Which is the reversal of my belief as a life-long humanist (Ailsa Beresford hates humanists).
What do you say on this Post, was Jesus violent as the Christians Bible, and j/j says?
Gwen Pugh (Mrs), pp. Jero Jones.

Jero Jones

Article URL : https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/discuss/