~OFF TOPIC~ Thread for Thursday, August 15th

Here is where Off Topic Breakers come to relax and wander about.Post away, stay off topic…

Tom Homan calls on Democrats to ‘stop the hate’ after attacks on ICE offices

  https://news.yahoo.com/tom-homan-calls-democrats-stop-174947568.html Former ICE Acting Director Tom Homan says the left’s attacks are getting out of…

Great news: The people who brought you Russia-collusion want to stop Epstein conspiracy theories

https://hotair.com/archives/ed-morrissey/2019/08/13/great-news-people-brought-russia-collusion-want-investigate-epsteins-suicide/ Just how seriously should we take this effort by Congress to head off conspiracy theories in…

Bugatti’s $18.68 Million La Voiture Noire: How To See The Super Car

https://www.ibtimes.com/bugattis-1868-million-la-voiture-noire-how-see-super-car-2812985 Bugatti will unveil its $18.68 million La Voiture Noire to the North American market at…

~OFF TOPIC~ Thread for Wednesday, August 14th

R&I ~ AA . . Here is where Off Topic Breakers come to relax and wander…

Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: Politifact and Snopes Flagged ONLY 4% of Fake News Stories from Mueller Witch Hunt — MISSED 96% OF THE FAKE NEWS

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/08/fact-checking-the-fact-checkers-politifact-and-snopes-flagged-only-4-of-fake-news-stories-from-mueller-witch-hunt-missed-96-of-the-fake-news/ We are told the Trump-Russia Collusion hoax was the greatest political scandal in US history.…

~OFF TOPIC~ Thread for Tuesday, August 13th

Here is where Off Topic Breakers come to relax and wander about.Post away, stay off topic…

President Trump Proven Right as Third-World Countries Urge Citizens to Avoid Baltimore

https://bigleaguepolitics.com/president-trump-proven-right-as-third-world-countries-urge-citizens-to-avoid-baltimore/ The governments of Uruguay and Venezuela do not want their citizens traveling to Baltimore. —/…

The New Left: Violent, Weak, Juvenile, Cowards

https://townhall.com/columnists/paulcurry/2019/08/12/the-new-left-violent-weak-juvenile-cowards-n2551506 The Democratic Party of JFK is gone. The days of American civil discourse are over.…

CNN Fails to Note Crime Jumped After Colorado Gun Control

Approved ~ AA On Saturday’s CNN Newsroom, during an interview with former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper,…

Epstein death: ‘The word around the street is the Clintons did it’

Approved ~ AA . . This weekend’s mysterious death of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein at a…

~ OFF TOPIC~ Thread for Monday, August 12th

Here is where Off Topic Breakers come to relax and wander about.Post away, stay off topic…