Trump calls AOC, Schiff and Nadler ‘Democrat Savages’ as impeachment calls intensify

President Trump launched a fresh attack on prominent Democrats on Saturday, accusing leading impeachment proponents of stalling…

U.S. House defeats Republican measure disapproving of impeachment inquiry

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives killed a Republican resolution on Friday disapproving…

Judge Blocks Trump Administration’s Push for Swifter Immigrant Deportations

A federal district judge blocked the Trump administration from expanding a policy allowing the government to…

Support for impeachment jumps in new poll

Voters are now evenly split on whether Congress should begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump,…

New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Support Trump Impeachment if President Suspended Ukraine Aid Over Biden Inquiry

A majority of Americans support impeaching President Donald Trump if he suspended military aid to Ukraine…

North Carolina Lawmakers Still Trying to Ban Marriage Equality: ‘Tell it To Satan!’

Four years after Obergefell v. Hodges, Republicans in North Carolina are still not fighting to stop…

Fox News apologizes after guest calls Greta Thunberg ‘mentally ill’

Approved~~MJM Fox News apologized on Monday night after a guest brought on to discuss climate change called…

Department of Homeland Security strategy adds white supremacy to list of threats

For the first time since it was formed after the 9/11 attacks, the Department of Homeland…

The market has spoken: Coal is dying

(CNN) – President Donald Trump has gutted regulations on the coal industry, falsely claimed that windmills…

Colt is Suspending Production of the AR-15 for the Civilian Market

Approved~~MJM Gunmaker Colt is suspending its production of rifles for the civilian market, including the incredibly…

The Origins of Gods

Hello! In this, I’d like to explain where I think the origins of gods were, so…

Twitter refuses to tell Devin Nunes who is behind the parody accounts causing him ‘extreme pain’

Approved ~ AA Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) suffered a setback in his legal case against parody…