Off Topic for Wednesday, August 7th

Reviewed & Approved[R&A]… Sir Tainley Here is where the Breaking News & Religion Communities can come…

Calendar, Anglo-Saxon Wodensdaeg

Approved ~ Løki From the Anglo-Saxon’s Wodensdaeg (Woden’s day), we get Wednesday. In Teutonic mythology, Odin, Woden, Woutan, and Votan [plus hundreds…

Trump will Waffen bewaffnen, damit sie sich dagegen wehren können, bei Amokläufen benutzt zu werden (Trump wants to arm weapons so they can resist being used in gunfire)

Dienstag, 6. August 2019 Washington – Following recent killings of over 30 people, the US is…

Barbra Streisand Continues to Bait Trump With ‘Send in the Clowns’ Parody

When I was a child, my mother got a box set of Barbra Streisand’s greatest hits…