Whitmer: Lack of national coronavirus strategy ‘creating a more porous situation’

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) said Sunday that the lack of a unified federal approach to…

Trump team picks fight with Twitter, TV networks over political speech

President Trump’s reelection campaign is aggressively pressuring Twitter and broadcast outlets to sanction or pull misleading…

Why Gretchen Whitmer’s stock is rising with Team Biden

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s rising profile during the coronavirus pandemic has boosted her stock with Joe…

Here Is What’s Really Behind the Toilet Paper Shortage

Haters love to blame “hoarders” and “panic buyers” for the lack of toilet paper on store…

Ventilators Are No Panacea For Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients

Most coronavirus patients who end up on ventilators go on to die, according to several small…

Can hydroxychloroquine prevent coronavirus? New trial will test 3K healthy first responders in Michigan

Hospitals are seeing early success giving hydroxychloroquine to patients with COVID-19. Now, Henry Ford Health System…

How Fox’s Sean Hannity has downplayed the coronavirus pandemic in America

Fox News host Sean Hannity has stood out among the network’s many misinformers about the coronavirus…

States Consider Whether Religious Services Qualify As ‘Essential’

The nationwide move to close churches, synagogues and mosques as part of the broader effort to…

74 journalism professors accuse Fox News of spreading coronavirus misinformation

Dozens of journalism professors and working journalists signed an open letter to Fox News heads Rupert…

Timeline: Trump’s Response To The Coronavirus Outbreak

NBC News takes an in-depth look at how President Trump responded to the coronavirus pandemic after…

Several states have yet to issue stay-at-home orders

Twelve states have yet to issue stay-at-home orders to their residents despite a rising number of…

Dow slumps 800 points after Trump warns of ‘painful’ times to come and a ‘shocking’ coronavirus death toll

US stocks fell on Wednesday after President Donald Trump issued a dire new warning about pain…