TikTok shredded as influencers promote Osama bin Laden’s ‘terrorist propaganda’ tirade dubbed ‘Letter to America’ ahead of 9/11 attacks

The text of an inflammatory “letter to America” from 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden has gone…

Trump to Honor the Brave Men and Women Who Fought During the Upcoming Holyfield/Belfort 9/11 Fight

Former president and disgraced for-profit university owner Donald Trump revealed that he will commemorate the brave…

NYT Suggests Planes, Not Terrorists, Were Responsible For 9/11 Attacks

Approved~~KMS The New York Times tweeted and then deleted a comment Wednesday about the 9/11 attacks…

Today in History

Approved~~~KMS Today in history, the September 11th terrorist attacks occurred. (Others might say “some people did…