Pro-Life Movement Handed Victory That Will Kill Thousands

Pro-life fundamentalists are rejoicing today after controversial Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett was officially confirmed…

With ACB confirmed, Democrats decide it’s time to get radical

The Notorious ACB is now Supreme Court Justice ACB, and the Democrats, their media handmaids, and…

Amy Coney Barrett confirmed to supreme court in major victory for US conservatives

The US Senate has confirmed Amy Coney Barrett to the supreme court, delivering Donald Trump a…

Sen. Loeffler on Attacks on Judge Barrett: ‘There’s Little Democrats Fear More Than Strong Conservative Women’

Democrats fear Judge Barrett’s commitment to textualist and originalist interpretations of the constitution, and outright rejection…

Judge Barrett Approved by Senate Judiciary Committee

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court on Thursday…

‘No’: Graham Shuts Down Democrats’ Attempts to Delay ACB Vote

“We’re going to vote on the judge on October 22,” Chairman Lindsey Graham informed his interrupting…

Schumer Reveals How Democrats Plan to Block Barrett’s Confirmation

Ever since Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away, Democrats have made it clear they are opposed…

Democrats Prepare To Give Republicans Free Ad Footage Of Them Attacking Successful, Religious Mother Of 7

WASHINGTON, D.C.—With Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearings coming up in just two short weeks, Democrats…

Hell hath no misogyny like a feminist scorned

Whelp, it’s official. Yesterday evening, President Trump formally nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme…