Don’t Christians read the footnotes in their Bibles!

Hi Don’t Christians read the footnotes in their Bibles, as most modern translation have footnotes at…

Jesus is wrong

“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it…

How The Christian Religion Looks on Newly Born Babies!

Hi How The Christian Religion Looks on Newly Born Babies! Are We Natural Born Sinner? The…

Ezekiel: The Bible’s Butt Monkey?

TV Tropes defines a “Butt Monkey” character as follows: “The character who is always the butt…

The Book of Enoch (Part 1)

Hello Religion discussers, so today I want to talk about my favorite apocryphal book. The book…

What We Actually Know

I was in another discussion a few minutes ago and I saw this quote. “Science is…

Bible Study: Genesis 4:9

Art is Titian’s Cain and Abel, original is approximately 10′ by 9 1/2′, and in Santa…

Evolution on Trial

Watched one of those old classic black and white movies yesterday; “Inherit the Wind,” with Spencer…

Why Be a Biblical Atheist?

Let’s start with the “gender” of the Protagonist, God. The God of the Bible is always…

Ted Cruz, Alyssa Milano trade barbs on Bible, ‘God-given’ gun rights

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, took actress and liberal activist Alyssa Milano to task over her faith-based question about the Bible and the Second…

Kelli Dunaway sworn in on Dr. Seuss book

Kelli Dunaway (D) won a seat in a special election for the St. Louis city council.…