Joe Biden Tells Inflation Whopper Again, As His Campaign Continues to Crash and Burn

Joe Biden repeated a whopper about inflation on Tuesday during an interview with Yahoo Finance, stating…

Inflation accelerates more than expected in March as high prices persist

Inflation accelerated in March for the third straight month, keeping prices painfully high for millions of…

Study: Biden’s expansion of food stamps drove food prices up by fifteen percent

Biden is out there on the campaign trail trying to make the case for “Bidenomics,” and…

Even CALIFORNIA turns on Biden: More residents disapprove than approve of the President and VP Kamala Harris has just 38% approval in her home state in yet another disastrous poll

More voters in California disapprove than approve of Joe Biden’s presidency His approval ratings have plummeted…

By the Numbers, a Failing President

Democrats began 2021 as the preferred party of 49% of the country. Only 40% identified as…

10 Lies Biden Told During His First Press Conference In Months

Biden’s attempt to communicate how he plans to address COVID, crime, rising prices, and empty shelves…

Dingell: ‘We Are Going to Lose’ if We Ignore Inflation, Border, Crime, ‘That’s What the American People Are Talking About’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) said that…

Abbott on ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Movement: People ‘Angry’ About Border, Inflation, COVID, ‘Ludicrous’ Biden Policies

AUSTIN, Texas – Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) weighed in on the “Fuck Joe Biden” (FJB), “Let’s Go…

6 ways Biden’s corporate tax hike will hurt America: Grover Norquist

President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats demand trillions of dollars of tax increases be imposed on…

Dow closes down more than 700 points in worst day of 2021

U.S. stocks fell aggressively Monday on concerns that a rebound in Covid-19 cases would slow global…