On the Frontlines of Progressive Anti-Semitism

I am a young, gay, left-wing Jew. Yet I am called an “apartheid-enabler,” a “baby killer”…

52% of German Jews are blamed for anything done by the Israeli government “frequently” or “all the time.”

Key findings 52% said they are being blamed for anything done by the Israeli government “frequently”…

Did Children at a Philadelphia Muslim School Sing a Song With Violent Lyrics?

  In the spring of 2019, video footage recorded at the Muslim American Society in Philadelphia,…

Ratings of Muslims, Christians and Jews

Considering most of Israel is Jewish and most of Pakistan, Egypt and Jordan are Muslim, it…

Poll: Nearly a third of Jewish people avoid publicly wearing things that might identify them as Jewish

(CNN)A survey released just days before the anniversary of the shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life…

Anti-Semites with PhDs are harder to fight

https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/opinion/article-the-subtle-anti-semitism-of-progressives/ In order to be welcomed as a Jew in a growing number of progressive groups,…