Biden Supreme Justice Ketanji Jackson allegedly hiding husband’s income

An investigation is being sought into Joe Biden’s Supreme Court justice, Ketanji Jackson, for refusing to…

Ketanji Brown Jackson’s husband called out as descendant of slave-owners: ‘Involved in the slave trade’

Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s marriage to her husband and familial history was dissected by The…

To Drown Out Justice Jackson, Clarence Thomas Resorts To Wearing Noise-Canceling Headphones

 With Ketanji Brown Jackson joining a growing number of women on the United States Supreme Court,…

Ketanji Brown Jackson Bravely Infiltrates Shadowy Alt-Right Group

Carrying out a mission fraught with danger, a woman named Ketanji Brown Jackson has bravely infiltrated…

“To Put a P*dophile Apologist on Supreme Court, It Makes My Blood Boil” – Blake Masters Says Out Loud What We All Know Is True about Today’s Democrats

Biden SCOTUS nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has an extensive record of being lenient toward child…

SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson gave lenient sentences even in child porn cases involving infants and APOLOGIZED to one defendant, court transcripts show

New details from court transcripts reveal details from Jackson’s sentencing At issue are eight out of…

With Jackson hearings underway, Republicans regret squandering their supply of evil

The secret meeting of national Republican politicians was interrupted this week by the undisputed mastermind of…

Failure to Rattle Jackson Sends Cruz Fleeing to Cancun

Senator Ted Cruz’s abject failure to rattle the Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson at her…

Republicans Accuse Supreme Court Nominee of Being Chosen by Biden

In a blistering attack on the Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, Senate Republicans accused the…