RNC Ends on High Note as Ghost of Jeffrey Epstein Endorses Trump

Attendees at the Republican National Convention gave a thunderous ovation to the ghost of Jeffrey Epstein…

Satan Declines to Buy J.D. Vance’s Soul

Sen. J.D. Vance attempted to sell his soul to the Devil “multiple times” but Satan declined…

Trump Requires Running Mate to Also be Cellmate

A campaign aide confirmed on Thursday that every candidate who wants to be Donald J. Trump’s…

Trump Screens VP Candidates for any Worrisome Signs of Self-esteem

Now in the final stages of choosing a running mate, Donald J. Trump is screening potential…

Americans Ask Supreme Court for Immunity From Trump

In a lawsuit filed on Monday, millions of Americans asked the U.S. Supreme Court to grant…

Louisiana Orders Classrooms To Display All Ten Commandments That Trump Has Broken

The Republican governor of Louisiana signed a new law on Wednesday requiring every classroom in the…

Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns That Windmills Will Drive up Cost of Wind

Speaking at a campaign rally on Thursday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene warned that plans to build…

Tommy Tuberville Opposes Contraception and All Other Polysyllabic Words

Explaining his vote against birth control last week, Senator Tommy Tuberville said on Tuesday that he…

Marjorie Taylor Greene Despondent After Learning Jesus Was Jewish

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been inconsolable since she discovered on Wednesday that Jesus Christ was…

Betsy DeVos Calls For All Colleges and Universities to Be Closed Forever

Weighing in on the unrest roiling the nation’s campuses, on Monday Betsy DeVos called for all…

Poll: Majority of Americans Prefer Sleeping Trump to Conscious Version

In a development that an aide to the presumptive GOP nominee called “the best news this…

Desperate Trump tries to fix plunging stock price with Sharpie

An ugly scene unfolded at Mar-a-Lago on Monday as an increasingly apoplectic Donald J. Trump watched…