Idaho Lt. Guv Triples Down on Racist Appeal as Home-State Backlash Mushrooms

The woman running for governor of Idaho is under fire over a speech at a white-nationalist…

The GOP is the gallows party

“I’ve said we need to build more gallows.” Those words were spoken last month by a Republican…

Black and Brown Americans Leaving Democratic Party in Droves…Will It Last?

Democrats have finally fouled things up so badly that even a critical part of their voting…

Ukrainian courage shames the cowards of the Republican Party

For those keeping score at home, McCarthy’s refusal to call out this kind of evil for…

MAGA Candidate Begs For Absolution From Dorm-Room David Duke

Joe Kent, a grown-ass man and candidate for Congress, humiliates himself on a livestream for teenage…

Idaho Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin spoke to white nationalists a week after she asked a rabbi if she could help fight antisemitism

 When Rabbi Dan Fink saw that the lieutenant governor of his state had just spoken to…

Kevin McCarthy reaffirms pledge to give Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar committee assignments again after they attended a white nationalist conference

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy reaffirmed on Wednesday that GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia…

White nationalism began to take a foothold in the mainstream in 2021, and Arizona helped

Miller mentioned how Fox News host Tucker Carlson promoted the “Great Replacement” theory. The idea, which is…

The GOP’s untouchable loudmouths

Why it matters: Greene and Gosar can attend as many white supremacist conferences as their hearts desire, safe in…

Big Lie 2.0: White supremacy has no place in the Republican Party

Republicans condemn hate speech, bigotry and antisemitism, but those who preach it remain in office and…

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is White Nationalism’s Latest Vehicle Into the Mainstream GOP

Far-right “Groypers,” their old school white nationalist counterparts, and far-right personalities gathered in the ballroom of…

GOP leaders: MTG appearance at white supremacist conference “unacceptable”

Driving the news: On Saturday, Greene and Gosar addressed the America First Political Action Committee’s conference, a white nationalist…