Food Stamp Households At Lowest Point in 9 Years

The number of households on food stamps has reached its lowest point in nine years, according to the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data.
The most up-to-date enrollment data from the USDA shows that 18,093,759 households were participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as of May 2019.

The last time this many households took part in SNAP was in January 2010 — two years into former President Obama’s time in office — when 18,118,005 households were on the food stamp dole, according to USDA records.

The nation’s dependency on food stamps has also declined on an individual level in addition to the household level.

Breitbart News reported in July that the number of individuals partaking in the nation’s food stamp program reached its lowest enrollment for the first time in ten years, with 35,993,281 individuals taking part in SNAP.

David Adams

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