Sen. Chris Murphy calls on intelligence whistleblower to come before Congress

Murphy told “Meet the Press” that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky raised concerns about the aid during a meeting earlier this month, and that the Ukrainian president later spoke with the delegation about what Murphy referred to as “overtures from the Trump administration.” He added that Zelensky “gave me a very strong answer. He said they had no intention to get involved in an American election.”

The Biden campaign has denied any impropriety by the former vice president. In a memo released this weekend, the campaign pointed to fact-checkers and a report from a Ukrainian outlet that all say Biden had been fairly expressing the American government’s position when he pressured a prosecutor to resign.

As Democrats continue to call for an investigation, Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., preached caution on “Meet the Press.”

“It is not appropriate for any candidate for federal office, certainly including a sitting president, to ask for assistance from a foreign country. That’s not appropriate. But I don’t know that that’s what happened here,” he said.

“There might be a reasonable explanation for this, and there might be a troublesome one. And we should understand why that happened,” he added when asked about the delay of the foreign aid.

Navy Vet

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