Oil price too low: USA will cancel all wars by 2022

Washington (dpo) – Now there is no democracy anymore for the rest of the world! In view of the low oil price, which at times even reached negative values, the U.S. State Department has canceled all wars until 2022 today. Under the current circumstances, securing peace and human rights in foreign countries is simply not worthwhile, said Minister Mike Pompeo.

“We already had a busy schedule by the fall of 2022,” Pompeo told journalists in the US press. “Iran and Venezuela were firmly planned. Maybe Iraq again. And who knows which country will soon come up with oil. But at low prices … It doesn’t pay off.”

After all, at the end of the press conference, the Foreign Minister offered a glimmer of hope: “I can’t promise you anything, but maybe we can start one or the other military action in the foreseeable future,” said Pompeo. “However, it will not be about petroleum, but rather about ventilators or even a vaccine against the corona virus.”

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