Marine Corps’ Job Announcement Is The Latest Salvo In Biden’s War For Wokeism

The Marine Corps once looked for a few good men.

The Marine Corps once looked for a few good men. Now, it’s looking for “diversity.”

America’s smallest, but arguably proudest, military service recently posted a job opening for a “diversity, equity, and inclusion” adviser.

Whoever gets the job will collaborate with the service’s chief diversity officer and the Diversity Review Board to lead “diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts” within the Corps.

The successful candidate would “ensure internal and external communications reflect diversity, equity, and inclusion,” as well as “develop tools and define processes that enable shifting the USMC cultural paradigm for diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

The post pays $144,128 a year, or about seven times that made by the new Marine recruits who would be ordered to fight and die in defense of our country, and twice as much as the officers who would lead them on that mission.