Jared Kushner Company to Pay $3.25 Million in Tenant Abuse Case

The property management subsidiary of Jared Kushner’s family real estate business has agreed to fork over $3.25 million to the state of Maryland to settle a lawsuit alleging the company has “victimized” financially vulnerable tenets “at all stages of offering and leasing,” ProPublica reported on Friday.

“This is a case in which landlords deceived and cheated tenants and subjected them to miserable living conditions,” state Attorney General Brian Frosh said at a press conference announcing the settlement with Westminster Management, according to ProPublica. “These were not wealthy people. Many struggled to pay the rent, to put food on the table, to take care of their kids, to keep everybody healthy, and Westminster used its vastly superior economic power to take advantage of them.”

Jared Kushner Company to Pay $3.25 Million in Tenant Abuse Case (msn.com)