A few weeks ago, police began searching for the statue after learning of its disappearance from McAdams Park. The park is home to a youth baseball league called League 42, named after the legendary player’s jersey number.
The bronze statue was cut at the ankles from its base. Only the cleats remained.
Days later, firefighters responded to a trash can fire approximately seven miles away from the park. There, they found the burned remains of the statue.
Ricky Alderete, 45, was charged with felony theft, aggravated criminal damage to property, identity theft and making false information. He was taken into custody on a $150,000 bond. Records also revealed he had a previous record of theft and burglary offenses.
Moses also said the theft was a “hate-motivated crime.” It is believed Alderete stole the statue to sell the metal. The statue is worth an estimated $75,000.