The Christian argument, and secular answers!

The Christian argument, and secular answers!

Christians will argue even if their answers knowingly are wrong, and 99.9999% of the time they know that they are just embellishing their so-called god to trying to get ahead of their critics.  This is not just misleading, it is living a lie.  They know what they are doing, yet, they hide under the so-called veil of Christianity.  A religion that bases its authority on centuries of counterfeiting, altering their scripture to suit their doctrine.  As well as the countless millions of innocent lives that have been lost to its barbarity.  So, what can you expect from its adherents, but to lie for their God!  Hypocrisy of the first order!  Yes, I accuse these religionists of hypocrisy, who pretend to have qualities, beliefs, or moral feelings that they do not really have.  And yes, they are an abomination to humanity with their anti-Gay stance, and their clergy’s predatory sexual abuse of children, that have stained secular lives for at least 1,700 years.  While their insincerity, and bigotry spawned the misleading introduction of the term, Homosexual, first coined in the 1946 edition of the RSV Bible.  Published by a society of intolerant American Evangelical calling themselves the International Council of Religious Education or ICRE for short.  Why did they put International into their society’s name? They were a group of twisted Christians from Kansas City.  Calling themselves an International group, when a hundred years earlier, there was no such city, all it was, was a remote riverboat dock, by the name Westport Landing.  These superstitious evangelicals used a term, Homosexual, which was not invented until the late 19th-century, to replace the Greek words “arsén,” which means male and “koité” which means a bed.  Which was made into a compound word, Arsenokoitai, almost 2,000 years ago, by a little man that grew into a giant in the fake religion we call Pauline Christianity.  We can see why all Bible translations differ from each other, when male bed represents Homosexual.  In my language, male bed means gwely dynion/male bed, and it means the same in any world language, except biblical text, where the word or words can mean what the religionist wants it to mean.
The Hypocrisy of Christianity.
History tells us that early Christians acknowledged Jesus as homosexual, the scriptures, and Christian text of the past admit that Jesus was queer.  See Mark 14:51-52; the Secret Gospel of Mark (A Letter Attributed to Clement of Alexandria (150-215))/the Mar Saba letter.  All pertaining to the naked boy that Jesus spent the nights with.
Jesus is our Lord and saviour, who died on the cross to save us. 
Yet, the answer is in the New Testament, which agrees with the Jewish tradition (Talmud Sanhedrin 43a) that Jesus died by being hung on a tree, as per the Law of Deuteronomy 21:22-23  Also, Jesus was cursed by God for being hung on a tree. See English text of the Tempel Scroll, as well as Galatians 3:13/(Temple Scroll 64:6-13—
Jesus’ original followers were classed as heretics by the Catholic Church, owing to their belief, that Jesus was a man, born of a union between Mary and a man. 
Scholars, for centuries, have hypothesized, that the man (Mary’s paramour) was the Roman soldier, Pantera.  Which in 1859 became a real possibility with the tombstone find in Germany.  The followers of Jesus neither acknowledged a sonship nor a preexistence, nor a virgin birth.  Yet, the early church stigmatized the followers as heretics, but, did not place the same stigma on Jesus.
Going back to the term Arsenokoitai, the racist and bigoted German cleric, Martin Luther O.S.A. (1483-1546) in 1534 translated arsenokoitai to knabenschänder (boy molester/rapist). Which is totally different, and puts the emphasis back on to clergy sexual abusers, the religious Paedophiles.
What do you say?
J.E. Jeanne, pp. Jero Jones
Approved – Obey

Jero Jones

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