Good and evil aren’t real

Not only is God something we made up, but so are good and evil. That’s right:…


I’d like to take on a particular narrative that circulates around these parts: Namely, it’s a…

Which side are you on?

Since dividing the world into “us” and “them” seems to be all the rage these days…

A real bender

Disclaimer: Usually, I try to build peace and understanding among believers and non-believers. Today, I’m just…

Why there is no solution to the trolley problem. And why I’m ok with that.

Having pizza and beer with a friend of mine a few weeks ago, I experienced one…

U.S. Senate Republicans block bill to battle white supremacy

WASHINGTON, May 26 (Reuters) – U.S. Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked debate on a bill that…

Top Southern Baptists stonewalled and denigrated sex abuse victims, report says

Leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention, America’s largest Protestant denomination, stonewalled and denigrated survivors of clergy…

The Yin and the Yang

I’m an atheist, but as evidenced by me hanging around here, I’m interested in religion and…

Taliban order all Afghan women to cover their faces in public

The Taliban have ordered all women to cover their faces in public in Afghanistan, the latest…

Does US really have world’s highest Covid death toll?

By Jake HortonBBC Reality Check The US is approaching one million Covid deaths – the highest…

‘We are living in hell’: Pakistan and India suffer extreme spring heatwaves

For the past few weeks, Nazeer Ahmed has been living in one of the hottest places…

Is Being Left-Handed a Sin?

My brother, a non-dogmatic Christian, shared with me a post from a friend who lightheartedly noted…