Why Is Christopher Steele Still a Thing? The ex-spy and infamous “dossier” author posits yet another elaborate theory of foreign infiltration

Closed as old news – NV  Published Nov. 5, 2019 This has nothing to do with…

OPINION Amy Klobuchar: Donald Trump’s presidency of broken promises is further dividing America

  Closed as old news – NV   Nov. 6, 2019 From town halls to fish fries,…

Open Forum – USA Election Day 2019

This thread will cover the various elections throughout the USA coming up on November 5th. Granted,…

Joe Biden Repeatedly Asked Federal Agencies To Do What His Son’s Lobbying Clients Wanted

Closed as old news – NV . News of Hunter Biden profiting from his father’s political…

Smugglers Are Sawing Through Trumps Border Wall

SAN DIEGO — Smuggling gangs in Mexico have repeatedly sawed through new sections of President Trump’s…

NWRA responds to proposed EPR legislation

U.S. Sen. Tom Udall, D-New Mexico, and U.S. Rep. Alan Lowenthal, D-California, have drafted legislation that…

Democrats now have a real chance at winning the Senate in 2020

(CNN)The political world’s focus on the possible impeachment of President Donald Trump by the House has…

US envoy says Trump used military aid to push Ukraine to investigate Biden

The acting US ambassador to Kyiv has told congressional committees conducting impeachment hearings that military aid to Ukraine…

Support for Trump impeachment rises as 59% say he pursued personal interests in Ukraine, poll finds

WASHINGTON – Support for the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s dealings in Ukraine continue to grow,…

Putin and Erdogan just did a deal on Syria. The US is the biggest loser.

Closed as duplicate – NV  Original here: https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2019/10/23/putin-and-erdogan-just-did-a-deal-on-syria-the-us-is-the-biggest-loser/ . Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President…

Everyone Is a Russian Asset

Closed as Duplicate ~ MJM Original Article Found At This Link: https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2019/10/22/everyone-is-a-russian-asset/ . Hillary Clinton, not…

Man in MAGA Hat Arrested After Allegedly Dousing Demonstrators With Bear Spray at Santa Monica Pier

A man seen in video wearing a red “Make America Great Again” baseball cap as he…