Sabotage via Bernie

*political editorial by GJ* This disqus commenter intends to sabotage the democratic primary by voting for…

Bernie’s Problem

*Political editorial by GayJew* Hillary Clinton lost the electoral college vote, but won the popular vote,…

The most decorated platoon in Marine Corps history

On the night of June 15, 1966, SSgt. Jimmy Howard and his 18 Marines from C.…

Why did China hold a cremation competition?

Earlier this week the Chinese government hosted an unusual competition. More than 50 of the country’s…

In Honor of the Iowa Caucus ClusterF*ck, here’s what else is wrong with our elections

By Best in Moderation  So we’ve now seen what happens when you lean on an old…

Medal of Honor Monday: Marine Corps Capt. Raymond Murphy

Medal of Honor Monday: Marine Corps Capt. Raymond Murphy > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Story…

Free Speech and the Internet

Over the past several years, there has been an increase in hostility on the internet. This…

Superbowl Commercials

Okay, let’s get it out of the way from the word go: Bill Murray wins the…

Congratulations Democrats for winning the Impeachment story. Now move on.

In late 2019, the Democrat party of the USA finally let the burning fuse of corruption,…

‘Complete contentment and happiness’: Groundbreaking study finds death is a EUPHORIC experience

The team of scientists from Canada’s Western University and the University of Liège in Belgium are…

Time Radio

Imagine if you would, stumbling upon a radio that belonged to a great scientist in a…

Australia Set To Experience Boom Of Deadly Spiders Following Fires, Floods

First came the fires, then high waters. Now, one of the planet’s most venomous spiders is…