Does prayer work, and if so, how?

I asked Chat GPT to generate 12 discussion/debate questions for Christians and Atheists.  I then picked…

Can coach convert a first (kneel) down to a touchdown in SCOTUS game?

R&I – FS The Supreme Court appears poised to rule in favor of a high school…

‘Get off your knees, charlatan’: Franklin Graham’s ‘Pray for President Putin’ plea sets off wave of criticism

A tweet from Christian Evangelical leader Franklin Graham, calling for his followers to “Pray for President…

If God placed Trump in office, God put Biden there, too. And Obama before him.

According to this writer (and many who read the English translations of scriptures literally) God gives…

Bible Study – Matthew 6:5-8

“And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and…

What price prayer?

This Style 10/6

Praying for rain.

Last October the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference initiated a prayer campaign to run through November to…

Some Questions about Prayer

Let’s talk about the phenomenon of prayer: Q1. Do you ever pray?  If so, to whom?…