While Trump shelters in the White House, America cries out for leadership

Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN

Updated 9:50 AM ET, Mon June 1, 2020

(CNN)Under siege in the White House, President Donald Trump is aggravating America’s latest racial anguish in a nation now simultaneously beset by violence-wracked cities, a deadly disease and staggering economic deprivation.

After being briefly moved to an underground bunker during Friday night’s protests outside the White House, Trump spent Sunday night again sheltered as violence raged nearby amid protests sprung up from Minneapolis to Miami and Portland to Philadelphia.

The show of fury was sparked by the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man whose throat was constricted by a white policeman’s knee. City after city Sunday imposed curfews after days of protests and looting, even as the country tentatively tries to open up after weeks of coronavirus stay-at-home orders.

Fast moving events leave Trump’s presidency — and his bid for a second term in November — consumed by a backdrop of smoldering cities, 104,000 dead and counting in a public health disaster he failed to take seriously until it was too late and unemployment approaching Great Depression-levels.



Article URL : https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/01/politics/trump-white-house-racial-unrest-leadership/index.html