Siri, the Pope in Red!
Looking through the list of pontiffs in my Oxford Dictionary of Popes (ODoPs) 1986 Edition, you will only see one mention of the name Peter listed, quite right too! As Peter was never a pope, even less a bishop of Rome. The ODoPs also lists anti-popes listed in italics, alphabetically in two columns per page, mixed in with the proper or legal popes, if one can agree with the terms proper or legal. As the Liber Pontificalis/Book of Popes for the first six-centuries of listings of popes is a fabrication. Written by one-hand (a single anonymous author) not before the 6th-century, probably when the idea of a list of Rome’s pontiffs was first mooted (?). If you thought that was bad enough, there are some problems with the papacy’s Liber Pontificalis listings that go from the 7th-century to the 14th-century. After that, one can feel confidence that there was a pope of that name at the time stated. If you are looking for a saintly man, one would do better looking elsewhere. Many bad *popes you will find were given sainthoods, and feast days, such a St. Damasus I (366-384), who hired thugs who murder 137 supporters of the rival candidate (Ursinius, d. 385) for the See of Rome. Damasus then sought the help of the city prefect (the first occasion of a pope enlisting the civil power against his adversaries), and he promptly expelled Ursinius and his followers out of Rome.
*The term pope prior to 606 in the context of Rome is an anachronism, as it did not originate in Rome until, Pope Boniface III (607) received the accolade papa/pope in 606, from Phocas (602-10), the usurper Byzantine Emperor.
*The term pope prior to 606 in the context of Rome is an anachronism, as it did not originate in Rome until, Pope Boniface III (607) received the accolade papa/pope in 606, from Phocas (602-10), the usurper Byzantine Emperor.
The late patristic scholar J.N.D. Kelly, and the author of the ODoP’s in the preface of his work, wrote: … Throughout this whole span I have been disconcerted by the fact that, while there are full-dress biographies of a number of popes (fewer in fact than one would expect) and massive surveys of the papacy at particular epochs; it is almost impossible to come across a one-volume handbook in English containing systematic, concise accounts of all those who have been, or claimed to be, popes. . .[J.N.D. Kelly (1986) Oxford Dictionary of Popes, the Preface page, Oxford University Press, London — New York.]
The above narrative and quotes are to give the reader an insight of how the Church of Rome works to maintain its status quo to keep its grip on power. This is not an account about Protestant sabotage, or bipartisan religious factions in conflict. This is Catholic against Catholic. The ancient soldier, and historian Marcellinus, writing on the Damasus bishop of Rome’s massacre of his rival for the see of Rome, wrote:
“No wild beasts are such enemies to mankind as are most of the Christians in their deadly hatred of one another.” —Ammianus Marcellinus (c. 330-c. 395 CE) Roman antiquities, bk. XXII, Ch. 5
This discussion is about Gregory XVII (1958-89), the Pope in Red, the legal successor of Pope Pius XII (1938-58) of the “Black Nobility.” Cardinal Siri’s followers maintain that the conclave, on the 26th October 1958, elected Siri as Pope Gregory XVII. White smoke billowing forth from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel on October 26, 1958 for a full five minutes (which was witnessed by more than 200,000 joyous Catholic Faithful in St. Peter’s Square) indicating that a Pope had been elected from within the conclave. Millions of others listening via radio throughout Italy and Europe heard the Official Vatican Radio broadcaster shout exultantly: “A pope is elected!”
Two days latter, John XXIII (1958-1963) was elected Pope on 28th of October. However, you will not find any mention in the ODoPs, of any pope titled Gregory XVII, the column under “G” you will find they end with Gregory XVI (1831-46). So, what happened to the 17th-Gregory? Well, the Catholic faction that that held him in high regards, says a coup had taken place within the conclave. By another Catholic faction, also known as the modernist, who kept Gregory XVII captive, and had him in house-arrest till his death in 1989.
What do you say?
J.E. Jeanne p.p. Jero Jones.
Jero Jones
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