When Did God Become So Shy?

In the Old Testament, God had no problem coming down to Earth and making his needs / displeasure known.  If not in person, as he sometimes did, his acts spoke for him.  Drownings, nuking cities, killing firstborn, scrambling languages….   If he wanted to say something, or wanted something done, you knew it.

After the OT, he went AWOL.  Some claim he came back as his son.  Come on now, is this any way for the creator of it all to get his message across?    He could have shown up in all his thunderous glory in Rome, Egypt, China, and the Americas, and put the fear of God into us.  But no.  He chooses to show up for a few years, as a human, in some backwater, trusting riff raff to get his word out.

If God really wants us to follow him or at least believe in him, why the shy boy act?  Of course, some are going to cry free will.  Showing up and letting us know who you are and that you mean business, in no way interferes with free will.

Why is God so afraid to show himself?


J.P. Bunny

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