The Siri “Thesis”

Recently, a Religion OP by Jero Jones was posted that claimed Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was elected pope in 1958 instead of John XXIII. According to him, “This discussion is about Gregory XVII (1958-89), the Pope in Red, the legal successor of Pope Pius XII (1938-58) of the “Black Nobility.” 

Essentially, Cardinal Siri was elected by the conclave, but threats from certain powers caused the election to be nullified and John XXIII chosen in his place.

There are numerous holes in this theory, but the most glaring is the claim that Cardinal Siri was placed under house arrest until he died 31 years later. If that was the case, it’s strange that he was allowed to remain as Archbishop of Genoa until he retired in 1987. A biography of his lists him as participating in the Second Vatican Council. Finally, he was an elector in the conclaves that elected Paul VI, John Paul I, and John Paul II in 1963 and 1978.

What do you think? Why would the Church and those who allegedly threatened it allow Cardinal Siri free reign if he had, in fact, been elected pope?


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