Man furious at Disney for ‘indoctrinating children’ celebrates taking his 7-year-old for First Communion

A man who is furious at Disney for indoctrinating children through the use of ‘woke leftist cartoons’ is today celebrating taking his child for their First Communion.

Chuck Williams of Arkansas, cancelled his Disney+ subscription after hearing on Fox News that all of the cartoons are designed to indoctrinate his children into a leftist woke ideology that will destroy America.

He told us, “Did you know that they even have a cartoon now that shows a thirteen-year-old girl going through puberty, and that this film is ONLY rated PG-12? It’s disgusting, everyone knows women don’t get periods till they’re at least twenty, so twelve and thirteen-year-old kids don’t need to be seeing this stuff.

“And now Disney is even letting staff at the theme parks have tattoos and inclusive haircuts. It’s disgusting. When will this woke madness ever end?

“Young children should be free to grow up without being forced to follow any ideology. That’s what free speech means. Trying to turn children into followers of a movement before they can make their own decisions is morally reprehensible, and these people will definitely end up in Hell.

“Which is precisely what I told my seven-year-old son, Cody, before his First Communion this weekend at our local evangelical church.

“Yes, admittedly, he would prefer to be outside on his bike or playing computer games, but I told him that if he doesn’t study his Bible properly, then he’ll find himself under the control of the Jewish communists who run the media.

“No, no, you’re wrong; it’s not indoctrination when I do it; that’s just education.”