Terrible suspicion: was Trump bred in a Chinese laboratory to harm the United States?

Washington (dpo) – It sounds adventurous – and according to experts, it cannot be ruled out:…

Compromise: Restaurants can also open from Monday, provided that guests wear protective masks while eating

Freitag, 17. April 2020 Berlin – Step by step normality is returning to Germany. Now the federal…

Mentally Confused Man Storms White House Press Conference, Raising Journalists

Dienstag, 14. April 2020 An apparently mentally confused man stormed the US President’s coronavirus briefing on…

30 Millionen Krawallmacher wegen nächtlicher Ruhestörung festgenommen (30 million rioters arrested for disturbance at night)

Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2020 Berlin, Hamburg, Munich (dpo) – For large-scale operations throughout Germany, the police…

Huge fraud: Manufacturers are said to have stretched homeopathic medicines

Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2019 Riesiger Betrug: Hersteller sollen homöopathische Medikamente gestreckt haben Munich (dpo) – It…

Travel home of individual participants apparently more important than the actual climate conference

Montag, 16. Dezember 2019 Madrid, Göttingen – The exact circumstances of a single participant’s return home…

Trump rennt in brennendes Haus mit 20 Bewohnern, um Kanister Öl zu retten (Trump runs into a burning house with 20 residents to rescue canister oil)

https://www.der-postillon.com/2019/10/trump-syrien-oelfelder.html Freitag, 25. Oktober 2019 Washington DC (dpo) – Spectacular scenes have just been played in…

“Wenn Dänemark nicht verkaufen will, geht es auch anders”: USA finden Massenvernichtungswaffen in Grönland (“If Denmark does not want to sell, things are different”: US finds weapons of mass destruction in Greenland)

https://www.der-postillon.com/2019/08/groenland-massenvernichtungswaffen.html Washington (dpo) – Donald Trump is said to have expressed interest in buying the strategically…

USA drohen mit Truppenabzug: Deutsche reagieren mit kollektivem Winken (US threatens to withdraw troops: Germans react with collective waving)

https://www.der-postillon.com/2019/08/usa-truppenabzug.html Freitag, 9. August 2019 Berlin (dpo) – Well then, it’s good! In response to the…

Trump will Waffen bewaffnen, damit sie sich dagegen wehren können, bei Amokläufen benutzt zu werden (Trump wants to arm weapons so they can resist being used in gunfire)

Dienstag, 6. August 2019 Washington – Following recent killings of over 30 people, the US is…