Trump dehumanizes migrants by referring to them as Dons and Erics

Drawing criticism for what many called his dehumanizing and hurtful rhetoric, former President Donald Trump gave a campaign speech in Ohio over the weekend in which he referred to migrants as “Dons and Erics,” according to sources in attendance. “There are millions of these Dons and Erics pouring over the border, poisoning the blood of our country,” said Trump, whose words were condemned as “sickening” by immigrants’ rights groups for equating Latin American families seeking asylum with adult Trump sons. “These Dons and Erics—they’re not people. They are animals just looking for a handout. They’re drug addicts. They’re rapists. And they have no place in this country or in my family.” Trump reportedly went on to add, “They’re not sending their Ivankas, that’s for sure.”