This is it… (for me ;)

Many people have trouble understanding the pantheist’s mindset. That’s not surprising, as it is rather unorthodox.…

Religious Extremism

I’d say extreme Christian Fundamentalists and their jihadist counterparts, Islamic Extremists, represent the outermost edges of…

“It’s me, not you??”

You’ve heard the saying, “It’s me, not you,” when trying to figure out where the major…

As an adult and knowing what you know now…

-Was there ever really any hope for humanity’s continued future existence? -As a species, were we…

Evolution on Trial

Watched one of those old classic black and white movies yesterday; “Inherit the Wind,” with Spencer…

Voting Republican (Conservative) Equals Voting for God.

Trump Says “We Have To Be ‘Very Careful’ About Bahamian Refugees”… Yesterday, I heard someone on…

Air Force crew made an odd stop on a routine trip: Trump’s Scottish resort

In early Spring of this year, an Air National Guard crew made a routine trip from…

Why Be a Biblical Atheist?

Let’s start with the “gender” of the Protagonist, God. The God of the Bible is always…

Whoa! New member added to Trump’s infamous “xxxxlist”

Talk about a 180! What do you think about the Mooch’s flip? Have you ever been…

Unwanted teen pregnancy… is it even fixable?

We’ve all certainly seen this movie before.  Here’s the usual chain of events: Young girl (teen)…

But, what is it?

We usually define things by their descriptions, their qualities. For example, Apple: spherical about 3in. /…