Coronavirus is sent to purge the world of sin

Coronavirus is sent to purge the world of sin Rick Wiles the far-right Jew hating, homophobic…

Limits to the human imagination

In the Canadian Anglican Eucharist, the following doxology is said in a prayer after communion (apge…

You’re all morons! Get a clue!

You are all morons! Get a clue! I was minding my own business, dredging the depths…

Evolution wielded…is a religion

Approved~Løki . The true lab coats, the scientist could care less…what the facts revealed lead to…

Franklin Graham responds after UK event canceled for ‘incompatible’ LGBTQ views

Christian Evangelist Franklin Graham penned an open letter to the LGBTQ community in the United Kingdom after an event there was…

Man Led To Christ After Christian In Comments Section Declares Him Total Moron

U.S.—In a brief exchange on Twitter last week, user “Freethinker451” said in a public conversation that…

Three in Four Americans Believe in the Paranormal

According to a 2006 Gallup poll some three quarters of Americans believe in some aspect of…

More Fine Tuning Nonsense

Some time ago, I offered a fanciful critique of the Fine Tuning argument titled, “Fine Tuning…

Why as a Christian I don’t accept everything that a scientist says as gospel

I have read a lot of rhetoric from atheists who disparage Christians for not accepting “science”,…

‘Trump Was Merely Sharing The Gospel With That Porn Star,’ Explains Jim Bakker

BLUE EYE, MO—Squashing accusations that President Trump had a sexual encounter with porn star “Stormy Daniels”…

Teaching Evolution Accurately is Important (Ken Ham)

The good folk at the ineffable Answers in Genesis have become concerned that that evolution is…

Bible Study — The Ten Coins (Luke 15:8-10)

Jesus teaches in parables.  This is one of them: “Or what woman having ten silver coins,…