Supreme Court refuses to dismiss New York gun rights case

The Supreme Court will hear a Second Amendment case involving handgun regulations in New York City,…

Trump impeachment: White House blocks crucial witness from testifying to Congress

Donald Trump’s White House has blocked the US ambassador to the European Union from speaking to…

Cowardly Republicans learn the hard way: Donald Trump was never their friend

“Might makes right” stops being fun when you’re the one under the bully’s thumb, as Republicans…

New Poll Shows 20-Point Increase in Support for Impeachment Inquiry—Among Republicans

A new poll out Tuesday from the Washington Post and the Schar School of Policy and…

There’s A Reason Democrats Are Screaming About Conspiracies

Liberals always have a “racist” or “sexist” round chambered, ready to be fired whenever anyone says…

Secretly recorded footage captured by Florida inmate shows gruesome conditions

Approved~~MJM Scott Whitney, an inmate at Martin Correctional Institution, captured footage over four years that shows…

Melania Trump’s girl-on-girl photos from racy shoot revealed

Approved~~MJM Here’s the nation’s would-be first lady — and right beside her, a second lady. Three…

Why Trump Can’t Tweet His Way Out of This

You needn’t believe the hype about President Donald Trump being a 21st-century media wizard to concede…

Reminder: Trump Has a Massive Conflict of Interest in Turkey

Late Sunday night, the Trump administration announced that US troops would be pulling back from their…

BUSTED: Leaked Audio, Emails Shows DNC Colluding With Ukraine To Help Hillary

Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media are still going ballistic over a phone call…

Impeachment push another attempt to undo election

Now that Trump occupies the Oval Office they’ve thrown all that out the window and are…

~OFF TOPIC~ Thread for Tuesday, October 8th

Here is where Off Topic Breakers come to relax and wander about. Post away, stay off…