Iranian president witnesses firepower of fully armed and operational Jewish space laser

Chem trails and time travel likely played a part as well SCATTERED ACROSS A MOUNTAINSIDE, EAST…

Zelensky to congressional leaders: “May you live forever”

Alpha males line up to avoid a fight Amid a failing effort to garner support from elected…

Space Force-Coast Guard game draws little attention

It was live-streamed on AOL. Televised on a Tuesday afternoon between a darts championship and an…

Russian Army officer touts ‘open window’ policy to new recruits

A Russian Army officer in the Donbas region of Ukraine is earning high praise from officials…

GOP Lawmaker Cites Military Satire Site ‘Duffel Blog’ at Extremism Hearing

During a hearing on extremism in the military’s ranks, a Republican congressman blasted a witness on…

Americans outraged that Trump is publicly voicing their private contempt for military service

Americans everywhere are condemning President Donald Trump for allegedly calling dead American soldiers “suckers” and “losers”…

‘He’s A Marine’ spouse gives your weekend safety brief

The following is a weekend safety briefing from the famed ‘He’s a Marine’ spouse, who recently made…

TikTok ban exposes PSYOPs-led secret dance battle with China

WASHINGTON — The announcement by President Donald Trump to ban the use of the Chinese social…

DoD-wide audit calls bullshit on every Legion of Merit ever awarded

ARLINGTON, Va. – The Pentagon has released the results of an internal investigation into the Department…

Air Force testing vegan napalm

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. — The U.S. Air Force is testing an improved, vegan version…