Chick-Fil-A Opens First Restaurant In Megachurch Foyer, Still Closed Sundays ALISO VIEJO, CA—Worshipers at Sailors Church were ecstatic to learn that they were selected as…

Trump: ‘If You Impeach Me Now, I Shall Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine’ WASHINGTON, D.C.—Nancy Pelosi is reportedly starting impeachment proceedings against President Trump. It’s not clear why…

New Evidence Suggests Esau Actually Sold Birthright For Spicy Chicken Sandwich From Chick-Fil-A U.S.—Scholars working at top divinity schools across the country now believe that Esau traded his…

Trump Holds Up Map Suggesting Hurricane May Hit Coast Of Middle-Earth WASHINGTON, D.C.—Trump has drawn some criticism after holding up what appeared to be a map…

University Of Kansas Labels ‘My Pleasure’ As Hate Speech LAWRENCE, KS—The University of Kansas has labeled the phrase “my pleasure” as hate speech after…

Walmart Discontinues Auto Part Sales To Prevent Car Accidents BENTONVILLE, AR—In a bold move intended to curb the thousands of deaths from vehicles each and…

Snopes Rates Biden’s Claim That 2+2=5 As ‘Mostly True’ U.S.—Joe Biden recently made a strange claim: that 2+2=5. He was ridiculed for his gaffe…

Chick-Fil-A Installs Confessionals So You Can Repent From Eating At Popeyes U.S.—Chick-fil-A restaurants across the country have installed confessionals so people can repent from eating at…

Tlaib And Omar Try To Sneak Into Israel Stacked On Top Of Each Other Inside A Trenchcoat

TEL AVIV—Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were denied entry into Israel, but that wasn’t going…

Christian Movie Kinda Like Secular Movie But Without All The Cussing, Quality U.S.—Reports from around the country indicated a popular Christian movie was really reminiscent of secular…

Scholars: Promised Land Was Actually Flowing With Mac And Cheese From Chick-Fil-A

DEAD SEA—Scholars working in Israel have made discoveries that lead them to believe that the Promised…

Shooter Walks Free As Police Tackle, Arrest AR-15 LOS ANGELES, CA—There was an attempted shooting earlier today but luckily, the police were close…