what would convince you?

How’s the fact the Jews are back with Jerusalem surrounded by Islam believing gullibly? You don’t…

Poll: Nearly a third of Jewish people avoid publicly wearing things that might identify them as Jewish

(CNN)A survey released just days before the anniversary of the shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life…

What is it like to be a Christian (?)

Hi What is it like to be a Christian (?) Commentators will notice that a question…

Islam & Straight Privilege

I am sitting here in the airport of yet another Christian-majority country with gay marriage. This…

45% of Americans believe that ghosts and demons exist

In honor of the spookiest month of the year, YouGov asked Americans about their belief in…

Religious Extremism

I’d say extreme Christian Fundamentalists and their jihadist counterparts, Islamic Extremists, represent the outermost edges of…

Satan Endorses Paula White’s New Book

https://babylonbee.com/news/satan-endorses-paula-whites-new-book HELL—After a long day of going to and fro upon the earth seeking whom he…

for the skeptic…believe already!

You can test the bible, as it says to do. Look into why and how the…

Gay Latino Responds to Muslim Opinions

Link provided to my gay Latino friend: https://images.app.goo.gl/WTUY9GMqMEcAi7kA8 Exact quote: That’s nuts That’s crazy I’m not…

Pope Announces Any Time Spent Watching ‘The View’ Counts As Time Served In Purgatory

https://babylonbee.com/news/pope-announces-any-time-spent-watching-the-view-counts-as-time-served-in-purgatory VATICAN CITY—Pope Francis has made one of his official, Popey announcements. (For our Protestant audience,…

Islam Divides Democrats

It isn’t just “Medicare For All” that is dividing the Democratic Party. This article snippet about…

Works plus faith?

Peter went into great detail about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus in Acts 2:14-38,…