White supremacists reportedly urge members to infect cops, Jews with coronavirus

Racist groups including neo-Nazis and other white supremacists are urging people in their ranks to contract…

Corruption in YHWHist America

(Moved to Perspectives–Politics… Tainley) I’d like to Disqus with you good folk a proposition: American politics…

Friends, Americans, Countrymen:

Stop it. Stop attacking each other. In recent weeks, I have seen vicious and petty brawls…

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report

A discussion recently on an OP about people getting beat up for wearing MAGA hats had…

The Quota Question

A discussion on a recent OP raised some questions for me about quotas. I haven’t thought…

Is this a baseless conspiracy theory?

Hi there, Breaking News! I’m fairly new here although I’m wont to stalk the halls of…

The age of revolution has begun in America

The Democrats, journalists, judges, and corps of law professors applauded as Obama shredded the Constitution. He…

Probable Democratic Primary Catastrophe

The headline is arguably not hyperbole. Three factors contribute to the current state of the primary.…


Edited: Like a defiant teenager, Donald Trump continues to push the POTUS envelope… because he evidently…

Dear Bernie People

Dear Bernie Supporters: I’d like to share with you why most of us in the middle…

Trump’s EPA Made It Easier for Coal Plants to Pollute Waterways

For decades, coal plants dumped toxic water laced with mercury, arsenic and other dangerous pollutants into…

The Democratic Big-Tent Problem

*Political Editorial by GayJew* The Democratic Party is running into a large issue. The Democratic Party’s…