Trump holds another White House event to infect everyone he missed at last one

The White House has announced that President Donald Trump will be hosting an event on the South Lawn…

Trump demands release of Michigan terrorists so they can vote for him

 US President Donald Trump is demanding the release of 13 members of a terrorist militia that plotted to…

Bankrupt Trump kicked out of Walter Reed after health insurance declined

US President Donald Trump has been kicked out of the Walter Reed Medical Centre after his Presidential Health…

Feminist win! Supreme Court nominee who thinks women aren’t people is a woman!

U.S. President Donald Trump nominated certified #girlboss Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court this afternoon, who,…

Trump endorsed by Pseudoscientific American Magazine

Following the news that Scientific American has endorsed a presidential candidate for the first time in its 175…

Epidemiologists expect second wave of fuckwittery to be worse than the first

Epidemiologists at BCCDC are warning the public that the second wave of fuckwittery will be worse…

Ruined city used to highlight Trump’s accomplishments in office

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Poll: 30% of Canadians support letting Alberta join U.S. “for the laughs”

As the Wexit movement pivots from independence towards joining the U.S., 30% of Canadians east of Saskatchewan say they are…

Canada searches for new country to compare ourselves to now that U.S. is too sad

The Canadian Government announced today that they are searching for a new benchmark country Canadians can…

US prison overcrowding reaches critical mass due to Trump’s staff

Experts and prison staff are raising the alarm about overcrowding in US prisons due to Donald Trump’s…

Putin assures world COVID-19 vaccine has been rigorously tested on political opponents

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced the successful development of the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine, which was rigorously tested on his political…

Citing a culture of fear, anti-maskers remove stop signs

Members of an anti-mask group have taken down an intersection’s stop signs to remove what they call…