Trump pivots to claiming he actually won 2008 election

After a frantic series of overnight tweets in which he baselessly claimed to have actually won…

Trump announces rallies, lawsuits in bid to make self too pitiful to arrest

As news outlets confirm their earlier projections of a Biden electoral college win, President Donald Trump has announced further intentions…

Biden wins election nine days after winning election

After final vote tallies from Arizona and Georgia, Joe Biden has won the U.S. presidential election only nine days after winning…

America’s neo-nazis ask for patience and space to grieve downfall of racist dictator

As the results of the 2020 election settle in, America’s neo-nazi community is asking for time…

Donald Trump announces creation of seven new states, all of whom voted for him

US President Donald Trump has officially signed an executive order establishing seven new American states which have all…

Eric Trump still in line at Apple Store to vote

Eyewitnesses report President Trump’s son is still in line at the Georgetown Apple Store, waiting to cast his…

World offers to buy U.S. special present if it doesn’t re-elect deranged fascist

At a special meeting of the full United Nations, the countries of the world came together…

Senator Lynn Beyak: I didn’t know donating to Trump was illegal, I thought it was just racist

Senator Lynn Beyak is in trouble once again, but she wants to assure the Canadian public who pay…

Coney Barrett ends confirmation ceremony by accidentally deciding election for Trump 1 week early

Appearing at the White House for her swearing-in as a Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett committed a humorous gaffe…

Trump hoping he just gets fired so he can at least collect unemployment

Recent reports have confirmed that President Donald Trump is hoping to get fired so he can at least…

GOP proves existence of election fraud by committing election fraud

The California Republican Party has announced “smoking gun” evidence of statewide election fraud, the existence of which has…

FEMINISM WIN: This girl boss is reuniting the long-separated Church and State

Watch out, the patriarchy! Total girlboss Amy Coney-Barrett is on her way to joining the Supreme Court,…